Do you remember the ThermalTake Core V1? It has a big brother called the Core V21 that’s bigger in dimension (more flexible for component placement) and it is also stackable! The Core V1 remains as one of my favorite casing of all time so how does the Core V21 fare?
Before I proceed with the details of the Core V21, let’s have a look at the specs comparison between the Core V21 and Core V1.
From the dimensions alone you see that the Core V21 is a lot larger than the Core V1.
Check out this video if you haven’t – Jump to the 1:20 mark if you may, note the size difference between both of them.
Starting from the front the V21 comes with the interaction panel placed at the side, exact same fashion as seen on the Core V1.
With the front panel removed you’ll see the V21 comes with a 200mm fan that’s placed right at the front.
The V21 comes with 4 types of panels, 2 from the grille, 1 for clear window and 1 for the base. The grille panels come with magnetic mounted dust filter.
With the top panel removed you’ll see some strange looking beams running across from the front to the back of the casing. Those are mounting rails where you are able to mount radiators and fan units of various sized and location, the rails are removable.
What’s neat about the V21’s design is that it comes with numbers engraved on the structure to provide you an indication of where those components ought to be placed to fit your cooling kit.
At the rear the Core V21 is no different from any Micro ATX casing, one thing to note is that it comes with a cutout above the PCI-E bracket and it is covered with a rubber grommet.