The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

I’ve been using the Yes 4G connection for 2 months now, and it’s been a great experience so far, especially with the Zoom router.

The Device

It’s a sleek black device, a router that’s of vertical nature. I love the sleek glossy black finish and blue LED.

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

Indicators are all on the front, showing signal strength to the ISP.

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

Ventilation grill at the top for heat dissipation.

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

As you can see here, you can also connect a hub or router to the device to support additional non-wireless devices via the RJ-45 port. The RJ-11 port on the other hand, allows you to connect a phone to the router, enabling voice call. ๐Ÿ˜€

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

Just in case you didn’t know it yet, Yes 4G network is not just data but it includes SMS and Voice as well, so with this device + a phone, you could use it to make or receive calls just like any other phone line.

User Experience

I compared the Yes 4G Zoom with Linksys WRT54GL. They were placed side by side, the Zoom is without any antenna of course. Devices were in a room the upper floor while I checked their signal from the living room downstairs.

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

Looks good.

The line is stable, the router hasn’t hang on me either. I’ve done plenty of Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer gaming with the Yes 4G connection via the router and it’s all good so far.

What’s most interesting is that the router itself is packed with good features. Here are some of the screenshots (Note : I’m not writing a manual here).

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

It’s not as comprehensive as my Linksys router, it doesn’t come with QoS as well, but it does support Port Forwarding and Dynamic DNS. It is possible to combine a router (like my WRT54GL) with the Yes 4G to get both the connection and the control


This is a very capable router device, only to be limited to the Yes 4G Network.

Should you get a Zoom? If your intended usage does not require mobility but requires allow the connection from multiple devices, then Zoom is the way to go. Take the Huddle if you need mobility.

21 thoughts on “The Yes 4G Zoom Router Review

  1. Hey, I am wondering if Johor Bahru is covered?

    I am also wondering why you are using Zoom since u are using streamyx already.

    Thank you =D

  2. Hi Clarence,

    I think you mean why am I using Yes4G when I already have Streamyx? ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s because I wanted to have more Internet Connectivity.

    My Streamyx package is the RM 66 – 512kbps. The Yes4G caters to times where I want faster browsing / downloading / uploading. It’s also for my other family members to have better Internet experience with the fast connection.

    Unifi was not considered as it’s still from the same provider TM, and does not have mobility. Others like Umobile, DiGi and Maxis were considered but Yes4G was the choice as there provide good package that comes with networking devices such as the Zoom.

    To what I remember Umobile does have a MiFi package but I’ve no confidence on their network. Still can go with other providers and use a MiFi device acquired on my own but I’d rather not go through the hassle. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As for Johor Bahru – YES covers it. Major towns / cities are covered.

  3. Hi Goldfries,

    I am a little overwhelmed by your response (the good way). Anyway thank you so much for the information. I chanced upon your blog while looking for a review on yes4g and it seems you have done a mighty good job. I am well impressed by the knowledge you have on other IT stuff as well and i can relate really well to you because i am quite an enthusiast overclocker myself and i keep myself updated with the latest hardware/software.

    Anyway, i hope you can offer a little advice for me for my predicament. I live in Johor Bahru near the border to Singapore however not near enough to get Singapore’s 3G signal. I am also fortunate enough to be more than 3KM away from TM point so i am unable to get 2mb or 4mb from streamyx. Currently i am using 1mb since like 200BC. I am frustrated with TMNET i have called them several times to upgrade me, and it doesnt help that my friend who stays like two streets away is sending me screenshots of his 4mb line daily.

    I am miserable and beaten and have even considered moving out of the country just because i am so fedup with the internet in malaysia. My sister’s place in Singapore has 11mb anytime i click on the button. I have done my homework and have hit a wall.

    If you know something that i dont already know, i would be ultimately grateful.

    Thank you!

  4. thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€ still long way to go when it comes to tech knowledge but I am certainly glad to be of help.

    Till date, even Unifi (fastest available for home user) speeds, many have been 4mb or less. Fastest I got from my Yes4G was which happens to be today.

    Moving out of the country for Internet speed? ๐Ÿ˜› hehe, not that good an idea right?

  5. Be careful when you are buying the Zoom device. I live in Penang and i bought mine at the Yes retail store in Queensbay mall. After using the Zoom device for only 4 months, it has issue. It’s no longer working. Something was wrong with the firmware. The thing with the problem is that it;s very difficult to diagnose because the device could work sometimes and couldn’t work at some time. The Yes retail store only agree for a replacement after I put the device there for them to test for several hours. If you have the same problem with the Zoom device, i highly suggest you to leave the device in their store for them to test.

    But I was disappointed when the replacement was done with a re-furbished or re-conditioned device. The replacement was NOT exactly with a new device. I asked about it and they say it;s the policy of the company. But they don’t want to extend the warranty period. Meaning that I will have to take the refurbished device and live with the remaining warranty period. I feel that i get CHEATED because refurbished device is prone to problems, meaning that it is likely to have hardware/software issue after a few months of usage.

    I am not sure if this is the policy of YTL or the policy of just the retail store . I am still finding out with Yes Care. IF you are buying the Zoom device, make sure you check with the retail store before making your payment. Ask them if the replacement will be on a new device or a refurbished device.

  6. Hi Kenny,

    Thanks for the usefull review. I think it’s best to stay away from Yes at the moment. They are still fairly new to the infrastructure and seems like they do not abide to their T&Cs properly. If your area is covered by Unifi, it’s best to use that. I am using Unifi 20mb and there is no cap of data usage. Fibre is highly reliable and so far the only problem I have is paying the $249rm per month which is too bloody expensive compared to countries like Singapore offering 50mb fibre for only half the price! Also, the tv channels they Unifi offers with their package are really crappy channels. Hope this helps.

  7. IF mobility is not a concern, by all means use Unifi.

    Yes 4G is nice but only good if your usage is within the budget and you want the mobility.

  8. Hi,

    Appreciate if you could share how to combine a router (I have a TP-Link WR941ND) with the Yes 4G Zoom to get both the connection and the control.


  9. Why would you want to combine a router with a router? Running DD-WRT or something?

    I’m not sure about that as I don’t have the router with me already but it should be possible to set.

  10. Before you make a decide to select YES please THINK TWICE, Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขve sign up YES Zoom 98plan on 28/10/12 12noon and i reach home around 6pm. on 30/10/12 i received a sms said that my quota has reach 80% i had a shock, then i reported to YES care they told me on 28/1012 4pm i already used up 2.8gb of my quota, they advised my to change my password, after changed i realize the device will evaporated my quota approx 5.3mb per hours. i launched another report they will only advised you to change your password and they will said the usage is by you. i have no choice due to i am tie up with the contract, i wrote this is because i don’t want anybody else to be cheated by YES. In another case, my friend has sign up on 3/12/13 as i told him the speed is excellent, but before he reach home he already received a SMS said that he used up 80% of his quota, as he is still in the mall immediately return to the stall and have an argue with the officer, and finally he return his device and terminate his account with the RM150 burn. After me and my friend’s case i can concluded YES is not as reliable as you thought. PLEASE BEWARE!!!

  11. I am a new user for YES 4G services, the packaged plan I took is 24months with ZOOM device. It was a tremendous experience to surf with YES ZOOM but the bad story start after 3 weeks using the ZOOM. The box started to reset itself, though I have contacted the yescare centre for technical assistant, still the problem persist. They also ask me to send the device to YES care store in KL, well as usual the box operated well. after few checking here and there, the technician told me the box is ok, nothing wrong with the box, so I brought it back, mmmm maybe the techs is right the box is ok, until midnite after 5 hours running I noticed the phone led was out, and check my online status…NO INTERNET con. Damn, I was happy thinking my family can enjoy surfing with ZOOM, but its false hope, major suspect here, the box firmware is out, signal receiver is out. LAN and WIFI is functioning, sometime the wifi also out. Overalll verdict…ZOOM… OUT…!!!! betterr use Celcom or Hotlink BB…cheaper and with good coverage….

  12. id used zomm for about 1 year 8 months. right now my zoom device got problems. my zoom take 15 minit to 1 hour to activate. plus my LAN adaptor also mulfunction. take ages to activate. very frust because the warranty only 1 year. can wait to buy another with different name to get free devide

  13. Hi All,

    I used my ZOOM with YES plan since Dec 2012 [just recently reach 1 year and 1 month] and recently my ZOOM are not working due no wifi signal receive and send to other device.

    This is my second zoom device with the same issue, the first time happen after 1months I join the YES package, Im ok with their recovery that time which change another new zoom device for me.

    So I went to YES center and told them the problem with the device, the reply I got is my warranty had expired and they cant do anything for me [means I have to purchase a new device which might cost ard RM400] and yet I still got another 12 months contract to go.

    My frustration are:
    1. Is not the point of money but Im really doubt with the quality of ZOOM Gateway device, would you expect me to purchase another one and 2 of the same device I used not function without any reason?
    2. Feedback from the YES associate the ZOOM router Wifi not working issue happen amount 1 in 10 units, means 10% chances we bring a broken router home.
    3. Due to the contract restriction, it seems like I have no other option even though Im not satisfy with the service provider “customer service” and the quality of device.

    With all the above experience … I think YES should be a “NO”.

  14. I have 2 months to go (2-year contract). Can’t wait to get it terminated. Damn Zoom is fickle and 4Gb quota fizzles out in 4 days at most. Stay AWAY from Yes. Say No.

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