Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Maxis Berhad (“Maxis”) launched the much-anticipated, revolutionary iPhone 4 in Malaysia on 24 September 2010……… TODAY! Or to be exact, at the stroke of midnight!

In conjunction with the launch, they also featured a truly interactive programmes that brought the very best of the iPhone 4 experience for customers. The event took place on the night of Thursday, September 23, at the Grand Ballroom of The Gardens Hotel from 11:00pm onwards – just before the launch.

Here’s what the crowd looked like as I was making my way tot he Grand Ballroom.

Yes, it looks crazy. The hordes of people willing to line up just to get their hands on the iPhone 4.

Here’s more crowd in the iPhone area.

This is MADNESS! No, this is…….. ehh. Sorry, let’s not go Sparta.

And there I was, standing in the midst of strangers and wondering when was the event happening, to only realize………… WTH!?!? There’s something going on in the other room. Damn. No one told me it’s IN THERE.

So I made my way through, and only managed to witness the ending of the launch. 🙁 Oh, at least I manage to get an EOS 60D in action. LOL.

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

And there, you see the other end of the hall where the happy 60 customers a.k.a. iphone 4 owners are.

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Making my way out of the ballroom – the crowd lingers in anticipation for the iPhone 4.

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

The next video is for the presentation session, sorry for it being rather shaky. 😛

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Mr Sandip Das – CEO of Maxis Berhad.

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Mr T.Kugan – Vice President and Head of Product, Device and Innovation of Maxis Berhad.

Besides the presentation, Maxis also handed out 10 review units of iPhone 4.

🙂 I’m happy to see my friends Kell and Pradeesh got their unit. 😀

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

After that, it was the press conference.

Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

OK, thank you for your time. 🙂 The iPhone is officially in Malaysia now. Will you be getting yours?

3 thoughts on “Maxis iPhone 4 Launch

  1. few things can be learned after reading ur story here:
    -maxis is pro-indian. see all the top post on top. not to be racist, just a fact what i saw here 😀
    -apple is truly great incepting ppl with iphone4 virus in their dream. too much Inception…even most of the features already common in other phones.
    -most of the crowds are chinese. chinese are pretty rich eh, even this maxis package isnt the cheapest.

    on top of that, i heard on air that digi is launching too, how come no news? -_-”

  2. wow,lots of rich apple-tards there.honestly,even for today’s smartphones’ capabilities,it isn’t worth the RM2300+ price tag [and there’s the contract…]

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