Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

ASUS launched their N10 notebook from their N-Series notebook and the P552 PDA Phone on 13th October 2008 at The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPac).

Wah? Publish behind time again ah? Well this is the 4th among the 5th event that I attended in a span of 8 days. I finally got the time (and energy) to have this report written. Check out my other report at later today.

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone


Now, besides being a product launch, I believe ASUS is also making a statement with this event – just as stated in the invitation E-mail – “A smart & Stylish experience by Asus N Series”, and the venue suits the theme too. After all, a performing arts centre.

Just as always, the event began with the emcee giving an introductory speech and also other speakers introducing the products of the day.

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

Speakers from ASUS.

Besides the usual product launch, this time ASUS had organized a fashion show.

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

The models

There were celebrities as part of the model line-up!

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

Celebrity – Serena C

Just as what I mentioned earlier, this particular event is geared towards STYLE. The product launched was more like a fashion show, it’s just that each model is either with an N10 or a P552. Let’s not forget that the stylish clothing designed by Key Ng.

And even a Datuk was modelling!

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

Datuk Mahadzir Lokman wasn’t spared!

Yes, that WAS our news reader on TV3’s prime time news back in the 90s. 🙂

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

Group Photo. I think you can expect this on almost all event related articles from now on.

Besides the group photo and all that jazz, ASUS also gave away an N10 and a P552 by lucky draw! No luck on my side. 🙁

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

The winners

The event ended with a high-tea reception. Love the mushroom tart or whatever you call that.

Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA PhoneLaunch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

The products

I took the opportunity to spend some time with the N10 and P552, not just snapping some shots of it for our dear readers but to experience using it as well.

For the N10 – I like the size and the weight of the N10. Windows Vista seems responsive. The glossy exterior look cool but it’s a finger-print magnet and scratches could wound your heart. As for the P552, I’ve not much to comment as I’m not exactly a hand-held device guy, unless the device has cool games or something. 🙂

EEE PC vs N Series? Good question, the N series (N10 in particular, I’ve not tested any of the other N series notebook) felt more solid and robust compared to the EEE PC. It isn’t an EEE PC replacement. The N10 is different from the 1000H in many ways, so one would have to decide based on the price and specs before deciding which one to go for. Me? I think I’ll go for the N10 over the 1000H, costs a bit more but suits me better.

Now, time to collect some funds. 😀

3 thoughts on “Launch of ASUS N10 (N-Series) Notebook and P552 PDA Phone

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