2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

Strange isn’t it? The new processor cores are available in Malaysia for quite a while now but the launch was just this week. 🙂

Nevertheless, that’s not my role to explain. My role for the launch was to share my experience as a user. 😀 I’ll have articles on the new core processor coming soon.

*Note : There was suppose to be an article on Nokia’s pre-view session of the new device but I couldn’t make it at the last minute due to transportation problem, boohoo. No article for weeks. Been busy lately. Explanation ENDS. 😛

Anyway, for more details on Intel’s new range of processors – visit http://ark.intel.com/

The Event

Held on Wednesday, 9th March 2011 at Midvalley Megamall’s Center Court – this is the first time an Intel launch was held in a shopping mall environment. 😀

The following are the photos for the day.

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch

2nd Generation Intel Core Processor Launch