PhotosFeedback – A Year in Review

PhotosFeedback is a project by launch on 1st December 2012. The project was created with photography hobbyists in mind, especially those who are new and those who seek improvement in their craft.


The first year run was successful but not without hiccups.

As you can see from the image above, the site fall a little short of the “Helping Photography Newbies EVERY DAY!!!” tag line, with only 338 feedback out of 366 days. That’s nearly a month of “no update” due to the site upgrade, plus the submissions weren’t coming in as much as I hoped for.

Regardless of the hiccup, I am deeply grateful for many of those who keep sending submissions to keep the site alive and running. I am also deeply grateful for having people that shown concern when the site is down, or facing hiccups. There are also the handful of people who dropped insightful comments, needless to say I’m also deeply grateful for their participation and hope more users will take this place as a ground to showcase their work and improve.

To all of you – a big huge THANK YOU for all the support (even if you’re just a viewer!) 😀

Moving Forward

Most of the photo submissions are from Malaysia, a handful of submissions were from other parts of the world. 🙂 I do hope to see more submissions from other countries over the next year of operation.

What I’m most happy is that I have the opportunity to view many beautiful pictures and more importantly, being able to contribute to the progress of photography hobbyists and also the local photography community.

As for myself, I’ve also continually upgrade my photography in both artistic and technical aspects, having achieved quite some accolades this year. 😀


Wishes for The Next Year

1. I hope more people would send in their photos for feedback. 🙂 – With over 3,000 fans of PhotosFeedback and some nearly 10,000 fans of, just a small % of senders could make it more than a feedback a day!

2. I hope the project gains greater awareness.

3. I hope to get sponsors / advertisers for the site. 😀