To those with horrible Internet connection, please take note that this article is packed with pictures. Basically it’s a summary of Intel 45nm Launch that I attended was recently invited to attend the launch of Intel’s 45nm processor here and Izzy’s Restaurant at Northpoint, Midvalley. 🙂
Upon reaching the place (I was the first attendee to arrive, it was 9am), I was greeted by Intel’s 45nm Xeon Processor bunting and a bunch of balloon decoration along the walkway that lead to the place where the event is to be held.
Yes I was the first to arrive. Nothing better to do, so I got myself registered and proceeded to one of the tables outside the restaurant and took a few shots of the area.
Here’s a broader look at the place, I must say that it was a nice place to hold a closed event as such.
And here’s the bunch of goodie bags that are laid out on a table near the registration counter.
Alright, so let’s have a look at what’s on for today.
AHHH. There’s breakfast! What a way to welcome the guests. Food available for our takings were frankfurters (chicken, right?), scrambled eggs and hashbrowns. Loved the scrambled eggs and hashbrowns, I went for a second round. 🙂
And what good is a processor without a good motherboard to pair with it? That’s where ASUS came in. YUP! Asus was there, show-casing their latest high-end boards based on the X38 chipset. Love those copper heatsinks around the board.
Here’s another view.
Not long after breakfast, we had a quick photo-opportunity with Mr Tim Bailey, Director of Platform Marketing from Intel Asia Pacific.
Debjani Ghosh, South East Asia Director of Intel Electronics Malaysia joined the photo session.
More attendees begin to arrive (after 9.45am of course – as usual, Malaysian time), and a little while later the event began with a short introduction from the host, followed by a simple introduction with Debjani and Hizam to illustrate how small is 45nm.
After the brief introduction, the organizers grouped us into 3 teams based on the colored sticker on the media pass.
Anyway, here’s the photo of Debjani and Hizam in their attempt to illustrate 45nm’s size. On the other photo, one of the groups were tackling the challenged thrown by the organizers.
Well, the “Orange Team” won. 😀 Yes, I was in the “Orange Team” – w3 t3chi3z pwnz j00!! *Eheh, got carried away a little.*
After the games, we adjourn to the hall inside Izzy’s for some presentation by Intel. Here’s Tim and Debjani in their cowboy hats, don’t ask me why because all I know (a little later) is that it’s related to part of Intel’s wild-west themed presentation introduction.
Here’s the singing duo (a pre-presentation entertainment!) with their rendition of Intel 45nm. Yes, that really was the title of the song and that is what it was about.
As mentioned by Tim, it’s probably the only song in the world to have “nanometer” in its lyrics.
After the song was an opening video – “Wild West’ Moore’s Law’ video (remember cowboy hat?)
Look at that, 2 TVs on the wall are used to show us live comparison of how a 45nm processor fares compared to the 65nm processor when it comes to computation and encoding. Pretty impressive, I don’t have the figures with me but I do remember that the video encoding took the 45nm processor about 28 seconds while the 65nm processor took a little over 10 seconds extra.
Across the room there were 2 other smaller TVs. I have no idea whether they’re LCD or Plasma, so please don’t ask me what screens are they.
Here’s Tim holding a replica of the 45nm water piece. Looks cool eh? If you were stranded on an island, this could save your life! I bet if you bring that to school or college, everyone wants to be your friend. 😉
Here’s Guan Boon, Channel Platform Manager from Intel Electronics Malaysia presenting details of the 45nm processor performance boost over the 65nm processor.
Look! Machines in Black! If I’m not mistaken they’re fitted with nVidia’s GeForce 8800 Ultra graphic card. 🙂 That explains the beautiful graphics when they were show-casing Crysis.
A Question & Answer session followed after the presentation. The people from Intel (Tim, Debjani and Guan Boon).
Then of course, another photo-opportunity………with the wafer of course. Before that, the organizers were generous enough to hand all participating teams (Remember the game I mentioned earlier?) some prizes.
The generosity of the organizers never cease to amaze me, here we’re treated with a tasty lunch buffet. Doesn’t it look YUMMY?
While some of us (like myself) decided to whack the food first, others were more keen on collecting their goodie bags. 🙂 Besides the goods, the prizes and the meals provided, all of us were given an Intel 45nm Baseball jersey too!
Here’s a last look at the place where all the attendees mingle around during the lunch session.
Well that’s all for now. In my next post I will (do my best to) highlight the features of the 45nm processors and various other details that were presented during the event.
Stay tuned!
Nice meeting you there.
Big companies like Intel are usually very generous at their events and the launching of 45nm chipset is one of their highlights of the year, they WILL spend big bucks on it.
First event is always the best. You will can’t wait to see what is in the goodie bag. I remembered my first event (U Mobile) and I was as excited as you are this morning. hehe.
If you have the chance to go to HP events, 3 words for you. NEVER F***ING MISS IT! (ok, that was 4 words, and pardon my language).
Check my entry on one of HP’s recent event. They call it the Big Bang. I’ve been to countless HP events and they are the best. Never stingy on food, never stingy on door gifts and never stingy on the location of their events.
Eh, get me to HP events too then! 😀
We can snap pics and link each other’s posts too.
I’ll see what I can do but AFAIK, they don’t usually invite bloggers worr..
I’ll ask the PR guy later….Will be going to another HP event next week..hehe…
That would be nice!
i wanna go the HP events too…buzz me and lets meet up
Then can have blogger meet-up!
Tοday, I ωent to the beach with my kids.
Ӏ found a seа ѕhell and gaνe it to mу 4 уeaг olԁ daughter anԁ said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put thе shell to heг ear and screamed.
Тherе wаs а hегmit crаb іnside and it pinсhеd heг
ear. Ѕhe nеveг wantѕ to gо back!
LoL I knоw this іs еntirely off topic but I hаd to tеll sоmeοne!