Computex 2014 – Highlights Part 2

This a continuation of my report from Day 1 – Computex is a large scale exhibition so I’ll be highlighting the interesting products I come across during my excursions.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Yup, those clowns do look interesting but they’re no where near as interesting as the pretty ladies around the exhibition hall. 😀 Just thought I’d show you guys some clown pic.

With only very few days to explore, here are the other items I found interesting (there will be a Part 3 article coming after this).

NOTE : Remember, you can always click on the images to view the larger copy.

First up is the ASUS’ white-themed board called Sabranco which I think looks stunning, great for white themed case mod setup.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

There’s even an actual setup for it, housed within a Cooler Master Cosmos SE casing. According to ASUS’

Sabranco is portmanteau of Saber(tooth) and Branco (Portuguese for ‘white’).

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Next up, the Gigabyte Water Force cooling system – the water cooling system is to be mounted on top of the casing and it cools the GPU that are within the system. The Water Force is said to be bundled with 3x nVidia GTX 780 Ti GPU – pricing and available not available at this point of time.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Another interesting Gigabyte product is the S11M tablet. It works just like a notebook with the keyboard dock attached and it sure does look sleek.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

ECS introduced their Liva range of micro computers, great for linking up to the home theater setup. It’s so small, it takes up less real estate than my HTC One smartphone.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Here’s the specs for the Liva.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Gaming gear company Teroso also showcased their products, I must say that I’m impressed by their build quality. No particular product to highlight but keep an eye out for them, they could be the next big player in the scene.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

Among the many display units at Thermaltake, the one that struck my fancy is the Core V1 which is a Windowed mini-ITX for $50.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

And last but not least, SanDisk did not only showcased their memory-based devices BUT they even had a gaming area where one could pit themselves against SEN, a top StarCraft II player from Taiwan.

Computex 2014 - Highlights Part 2

I did take up the challenge and I was 1 minute short of breaking the record, so much for the game rolling me a small map. 😀 Plus I think he didn’t pull his punches that much on me after observing my build speed. LOL. Oh well.