How To Block Facebook Game Requests

I’m sure many of you have seen images as such, they all hold the same message – STOP SENDING ME GAME INVITES!


What’s evident is that many people who created or shared these images are not aware that those annoying game invites can be blocked. I think article, I will show you how to block game invites permanently.

*Let’s face it – your Facebook friends who are sending invites often either don’t see the image or couldn’t take the hint. 🙂

Step 1 – Locating the GAMES section

On your Facebook news feed (as of today, July 14 2014) has a column on the left. Look through it and you will see the GAMES section. That’s where it all happens, that’s where these people regularly visit to show you with invites.


Click on the GAMES section and you’ll see a list of games that are available on Facebook.

Step 2 – Click on the ACTIVITY tab

It’s located at the top, it shouldn’t be difficult to locate.


😀 If you can’t find it, here’s the direct link.

Step 3 – Locating the INVITES

On the left you see INVITES and REQUESTS. By default the page loads REQUESTS, if you’re not playing any games then the REQUESTS list would very likely be empty.

What you need to do is click on INVITES because that’s the annoyance you’re facing.


Step 4 – Block Them!!!

OK so now we’re at the core of the list, this is your HQ now and this is where you block all game requests. In the image below, you’ll notice that I highlighted to areas. The area in the BIG rectangle will not appear unless you click on the X that’s indicate in the small rectangle.


Once you hit the X the notice in the light yellow box appears.

You have a few options now.
a) Block ALL invites related to the game.
b) Block the said individual from ever sending you games.

Normally I go with option a) but if you know someone who’s always pestering you to join games then going option b) would be the best bet.


If you find this article useful, do share it around. Make Facebook a happier place.