Site Updates – Goods Garage now open! Site Update

So what have I been working on? The GOODS GARAGE!

What Is Goods Garage?

With the introduction of the PC Buying Guide 2 years ago and later, then PC Buying Guide : Customizer last year, along with the host of articles that came – is now commanding around 400 visitors daily, I believe it’s time to provide more to the readers by allowing a section for goods trading – basically you can BUY / SELL here at

And that my dear friends, is the GOODS GARAGE!


I’m not expecting to have any e-commerce system for the side, I much rather focus on writing articles while allowing readers (and even non-readers) to actually use the available facilities to enrich their computer usage.

As you can see, I’m also opening sub-forum sections for forummers to do their trading if they’re traders. If you would like to have a section for your own trading, just register yourself and look for me.



PC Fair (KL) starts today and ends on Sunday – heck, our Merchants have promotion practically all-year round……… I hope. 😛 Do check them out. Not many yet – hey it’s a new section at, gimme a break!

6 thoughts on “ Site Updates – Goods Garage now open!

  1. Pingback: getting started

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