Tom Clancy’s HAWX (H.A.W.X.) Game Review
goldfries rated it It’s been a long while since I had a blast having air-combat, H.A.W.X just brought back the good times!
goldfries rated it It’s been a long while since I had a blast having air-combat, H.A.W.X just brought back the good times!
goldfries rated it Red Alert 3 again? Red Alert 3 : Uprising features a host of new units, a bunch of new missions, new maps and even a new game style besides campaign and skirmish mode.
goldfries rated it Another of the Need For Speed series. Most Wanted was awesome, Carbon was rubbish while ProStreet was nice it it’s own way. So what does Undercover have to offer?
goldfries rated it Probably the worse game I played this year. It was so bad, this review is going to be really short, I probably spent more time to write the review than playing the game.
goldfries rated it The 3rd among the Command & Conquer’s Red Alert series. The last Red Alert installment was released in year 2000. Both Red Alert and Red Alert 2 were a hit, and as far as I’m concerned – Red Alert 3 is yet another hit!